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Adult ticket
Price includes a T-shirt, number, and FOA bracelet, and have your name put in a drawing for a gift certificate.
All proceeds are used to support Freedom Over Addiction
By participating in Freedom Ride 2020 you agree to the following terms:
I know that biking in an event that is organized as a virtual activity where I bike on my own, at a date and time of my choosing, in a location and bike route of my choosing, which will not have any support or security measures in place by Freedom Ride 2020 ( is a potentially hazardous activity, which could result in injury or death. I acknowledge that I am participating in the activity outlined by this virtual event by my own free will and at my own personal risk. I will not participate in a virtual event unless I am medically able and properly trained, and by my participation, I certify that I am medically able to perform this event, and am in good health, and I am properly trained.